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A Simple Act of Kindness eBook

Kindness is a virtue that allows us to flourish. It's important to teach our children about kindness. Storytelling is an interactive and exciting way to do this while engaging in developing areas of your child's brain and personality. Join Alice and Henry for a day at school and discover with them the far-reaching impacts of a simple act of kindness.


A Simple Act of Kindness is a children's picture book featuring vibrant, playful illustrations and words designed to gently expand the early reader's vocabulary. The story contains a lesson and moral element, meant to instill truth regarding the great impact of small deeds of kindness. Young readers can be inspired through learning that everyone is capable of demonstrating kindness.


This book has been curated for readers ages (2-5) and contains 30 pages of illustrated story content. Included with each book is a page dedicated to age appropriate Vocabulary Words and information to connect directly with the author.

A Simple Act of Kindness eBook

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